Petrol AD is a leader in the distribution of fuels in Bulgaria with the most developed network of filling stations in the country, and is:

Among the first private companies in Bulgaria in terms of sales revenue;

Among the largest private investors and taxpayers in the country;

Among the companies with the largest capitalization on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange;

Among the ten largest and most successful employers in the country;


Established in 1932, Petrol AD takes a pole position in the retail of fuels in Bulgaria.

With more than 300 filling stations under the “Petrol” brand, evenly distributed throughout the country, the company has the most developed fuel distribution network in the Bulgaria. Petrol AD ​​maintains competitive fuel prices, not only following the international markets, but also as part of its policy of fairness to its customers.

Today the company is among the largest Bulgarian public companies by market capitalization. In 2003 the company received an award for issuer of the year, providing the most complete and accurate corporate information on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.


  • On April 1, 1932, the Bulgarian Joint Stock Company Petrol was established. Initially, the company used the warehouse of one of the shareholders, gradually investing and building new facilities.
  • In 1947 the Bulgarian oil industry was nationalized. On February 18, 1948, the Grand National Assembly passed a law on the state monopoly over petroleum products.
  • On March 9, 1948, on the basis of the existing private and joint-stock companies, the state supply company Petrol was established. The aim is to limit the enrichment of the former owners, and the purpose is to supply the national economy with the necessary oil derivatives through the branches in the country. It is gradually expanding its business; filling stations and oil depots are being built throughout the country.
  • In 1986 the association was transformed into a Petrol plant, which was included in the structure of the Chimsnab Economic Association.
  • In 1990, on the basis of the new legislation, the plant was reorganized into the state company Petrol.
  • In 1992 the state-owned company “Petrol” was transformed into a trading sole owned joint stock company with state-owned property “Petrol” EAD (sole owned JSC).
  • On June 10, 1997, Petrol AD (Joint Stock Company) was re-established.
  • On July 1, 1998 “Petrol” AD (JSC) is registered as a public company in the public register of the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission.
  • In 1999, the privatization procedure of “Petrol” AD (JSC) ends, with the company’s capital passing into the ownership of privatization funds and industrial shareholders.
  • Currently, the issue of shares of “Petrol” AD (JSC) is traded on a regulated market – Bulgarian Stock Exchange, Standard Equities Segment.


The mission of Petrol AD is to realize stable growth and profitability of its shareholders while committing to responsibility to its clients, employees, partners and to the society.

The company’s management relies on high professionalism, ethics and fairness to its partners to achieve its ambitious corporate goals. The management of Petrol AD ​​is guided by the pursuit of high quality. All projects in the company’s investment program are implemented through innovative solutions in accordance with the highest international standards for control, quality, and environmental sustainability.

The mission of the management of Petrol AD ​​is the development of the company to be a benchmark for the Bulgarian capital market. Clear strategy on future developments and dividend policy, the use of bond market instruments, the application of international accounting standards and international audits, in addition to the use of state-of-the-art high-tech management and communication solutions, guarantee Petrol AD’s shareholders that they are invested a company with huge potential.


The goals of Petrol AD are sustainable development, quality service to its customers and partners, and leadership in innovation on the Bulgarian market.

In the modern market conditions with increasing competition and ever higher consumer expectations, Petrol AD ​​believes that successful business and stable development are possible only by offering products and services of the highest quality, corresponding to the needs and expectations of its clients.

Petrol strives to provide its customers and partners with quality products and services without harming the environment. Fundamental for the successful implementation of its goals is the development of strong partnerships, products and services, environmental sustainability, and profitability.