Market Information:
- Issuer: Petrol AD
- Stock Exchange: London Stock Exchange
- ISIN code of the issue: XS0271812447
- Currency: EUR
- Size: EUR 100,000,000
- Maturity: 26.01.2022
- Balance: EUR 18,659,000
- Current value of the interest rate: 7.5%, payable annually
- Date of issue: 24.10.2006
Consent Solicitations:
2020 Bondholders' meeting, ISIN: XS0271812447
2016 Bondholders' meeting, ISIN: XS0271812447
- Petrol AD – Notice of Meeting;
- Petrol AD – Launch Announcement;
- Consolidated Annual Financial Statement as of December 31 2015;
- Petrol AD – Amended Notice of Meeting;
- Petrol AD – Amendment to the Launch Announcement;
- Petrol AD – Notice of Adjourned Meeting;
- Petrol AD – Notice of Results of Adjourned Meeting;